Best Brother Quotes and Sayings

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“We came into the world like brother and brother; And now let’s go hand in hand, not one before another” – William Shakespeare.

“A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.” -Anonymous

“Moreover, if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.” – Matthew 18:15

“The original and the remix- You will always be the best brother” – Anonymous

“Ain’t nobody else like me, except this guy, because he is my little brother” – Anonymous

“He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal.”

“The crest and crowning of all good, life’s final star, is brotherhood.” – Edwin Markham

“Brothers are what best friends can never be Anonymous.”

“Your brother is always the first male friend you will have in your life.” – Ritu Ghatourey

“I smile because you’re my brother, and I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it.”

“Brothers are like fat thighs, they stick to each other” – Anonymous.

“What brothers say to tease their sisters has nothing to do with what they really think of them.” – Esther Friesner

“The greatest gift our parents gave us was each other” – Anonymous

“You are a brother like no other” – Anonymous

“A brother’s unconditional love is priceless.” – Anonymous

“Happiness is having a younger brother taller than you” – Anonymous

“Life is better with brothers” – Anonymous

“A brother is someone who knows there is something wrong even when you have a smile on your face” – Anonymous

“There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother… Oh, how I hated that little boy. And how I love him too.” – Anna Quindlen

“He who understands you is greater kin to you than your own brother. For even your own kindred neither understand you nor know your true worth.” – Kahlil Gibran

“A friend loves at all time, and a brother is born for a difficult time” – Proverbs 17:17

“The mystical bond of brotherhood makes all men brothers.” – Thomas Carlyle

“Your siblings are the only people in the world who know what it’s like to have been brought up the way you were.” – Betsy Cohen

“Brothers and sisters separated by distance and joined by love” – Chuck Danes

“Brothers are like streetlights along the road, they don’t make distance any shorter, but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.” –Anonymous

“A brother is a friend given by nature” – Anonymous

“I have an angel watching over me, and I call him brother” – Anonymous

“I think people that have a brother or sister don’t realize how lucky they are. Sure, they fight a lot, but to know that there’s always somebody there, somebody that’s family.” – Trey Parker & Matt Stone

“My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional.” – Mark Mckinnon

“It takes two men to make one brother” – Israel Zangwill

“Once a brother, always a brother, no matter the distance, no matter the difference and no matter the issue.” – Byron Pulsifer

“Brothers aren’t simply close; brothers are knit together.” – Robert Rivers

“Because brothers don’t let each other wander in the dark alone.” – Jolene Perry

“Who needs superheroes when one has a brother” – Anonymous

“Brother a person who is there when you need him, someone who picks you up when you fall, a person who sticks up for you when no one else will, a brother is always a friend.” – Anonymous

“There is no success you can celebrate more than the success of a brother” – Diego Luna

“As a firstborn, brother, you hogged the best genes from our parents” – Anonymous

“If I could pick the best brother, I would pick you.” – Anonymous

“Brothers and sisters peas in a pod, bumps on a log, bugs in a rug, birds of a feather, partners in crime, friends forever.” – Anonymous

“God blesses him who helps his brother.” – Abu Bakr

“Brother, you are so lucky to have such cool siblings.” – Anonymous

“I wish my brother well. We agree to disagree, but he is a good man. He is my brother.” – Paul Gosar

“Some people don’t believe in heroes. But they have not met my brother” – Anonymous.

“I love my brother. He is simply amazing, and I just couldn’t imagine my life without him.” – Anonymous

“We did not even realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun” – Winnie the Pooh.

“Brothers are playmates at the beginning and best friends for life” – Anonymous.

“A brother is a friend God gave you; A friend is a brother your heart chose.” – Proverb

“Brother= Best Friend.” – Anonymous

“My brother is worth a thousand of your friend.” – Cersei Lannister

“Same blood, but obviously I am better looking.” – Anonymous

“I never asked for a brother, but I am so glad I got one” –Anonymous

“I had a brother who was my savior, made my childhood bearable.” – Maurice Sendak

“When brothers agree, no fortress is so strong as their common life.” – Antisthenes

“Because I have a brother, I will always have a friend ” – Anonymous

“Locker” for my all secrets.” Bodyguard” for my problems. “Power bank” of my energy. “Protector” of my smile.” Hater” of my tear & My favorite forever. Love you, Brother.” –Anonymous

“Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb

“It was nice growing up with someone like you – someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on!”

“I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends.” – James Boswell.

“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.” – Martin Luther King

After a girl is grown, her little brothers — now her protectors — seem like big brothers.” – Terri Guillemets.

“Looking out for yours truly since I was born, Love you bro” – Anonymous

“I always fight with my brother, but this is our kind of “I Love You” – Anonymous

“Love between brothers is messy, loud, rough, sweet, fierce, fun, unique, forever.” – Anonymous

“He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal.” – Gregg Levoy

“We fight, we make up= We are Brothers” – Anonymous

“The younger brother must help to pay for the pleasure of the older” – Jane Austen.

“I grew up with a younger brother, so I can get pretty rowdy” – Saraj Wynter

“Big brother is always watching” – Anonymous

“My brother is the only enemy I cannot live without” – Anonymous

“Anything but basic bros.” – Anonymous

“Having you in my life gives me the wings to fly higher than an eagle. My dear brother, I will certainly love you until the end of forever.” – Anonymous

“Never make a companion equal to a brother.”—Hesiod

“Nothing can stop me from loving my brother.”—Brandy Norwood

“The happiest days of my youth were when my brother and I would run through the woods and feel quite safe.”—Rachel Weisz

“From the time we’re born, our brothers and sisters are our collaborators and co-conspirators, our role models and our cautionary tales.”—Jeffrey Kluger

“Being his real brother, I could feel I live in his shadows, but I never have, and I do not now. I live in his glow.” – Micheal Morpurgo

“Help your brother’s boat across, and your own will reach the shore.” – Hindu proverb

“Sending love to the person who has had my back from day one.”- Anonymous

“It was nice growing up with someone like you – someone to lean on, someone to count on… someone to tell on!” – Anonymous

“My protector and my nemesis all rolled into one- my brother.” – Anonymous

“Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell

“The universal brotherhood of man is our most precious possession.”

“There is no “buddy” like a brother” – Anonymous.

“When family members are your friends, it does not get any better than that.” – Anonymous

“A brother’s love exceeds. All the world’s loves in its unworldliness.” – Robert Browning

“To the outside world, we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” – Clara Ortega

“The bond that binds us is beyond choice. We are brothers. We are brothers in what we share.” – Ursula K. Le Guin

“My brother is my best friend.”—Erinn Smart

“Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. Joy and laughter or tears and strife, holding hands tightly as we dance through life.”—Suzie Huitt

“Thank you for always being there, for always being the one person I could talk with. You are the most amazing big brother a person could have.”—Kate Summers

“My mother was nuts. My father was boring. My older brother was funny.”—Penny Marshall

“Brother, may it inspire you to know when I need a daily boost, I remember the days of yesterday and the laughter we had as children.”—Robert Rivers

“Dear big brother, you may be part of my family, but I will always consider you a friend.”—Catherine Pulsifer

“The best thing about having four big brothers is you always have someone to do something for you.”—Chloe Moretz

“Without my big brother I probably literally wouldn’t be here.”—Mikey Way

“How do people make it through life without a brother?”—Unknown

“Young brothers will often be each other’s best friends. They will laugh together, get into trouble together, and create memories that will last a lifetime.”—David Leads

“There’s no buddy like a brother.”—Unknown

“I placed you in my heart since you were born. You are the best gift ever that I’ve gotten from our parents. I’m so lucky to have you as my younger brother.”—Sam Dawn

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”—Richard Bach

“Brothers are playmates in the beginning and best friends for life.”—Anonymous

“A little sister looks up to her big brother all through her life.”—Catherine Pulsifer

“A brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit.” – Anonymous

“A sibling is the lens through which you see your childhood.” – Ann Hood

“Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other” – they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.” – Leonardo Dicaprio

“Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero” – Marc Brown

“Half the time when brothers wrestle, it’s just an excuse to hug each other.” – James Patterson

“There is no love like the love for a brother. There is no love like the love from a brother.” – Astrid Alauda

“There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; all that we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.” – Edwin Markham

“The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamonds or silver, or gold.” – Martin Luther King Jr

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